Social Care staff
Concerned about safeguarding children or adults affected by domestic abuse?
Housing staff
Health / mental Health PrOFESSIONALs
Concerned about patients who are causing harm through domestic abuse?
Substance Misuse Practitioners
Concerned about your service users who are causing harm through domestic abuse?
CRIMINAL JUSTICE practitioners
Concerned about your service users who are causing harm through domestic abuse?
Concerned about your client/ service user who is causing harm through domestic abuse?
contact Us
Please note that in this section, the primary focus during this phase of our service is supporting professionals who work with adult men who are causing harm in heterosexual relationships . We recognise that domestic abuse can also happen in same sex and transgender relationships, in some heterosexual relationships where men are the sole victims, and in family relationships. We intend to provide resources and support for professionals working with those groups at a later date on this website. In the meantime, please contact us if you are looking for support about a specific case. We will post links to resources and available support provided by others that we are aware of.
1) Are you looking for general information and guidance on Preventing Domestic Abuse in Safeguarding Children or Adults services?
Do you want information on best practice to identify and respond safely to domestic abuse survivors and perpetrators who are service users in Safeguarding cases?
Click/tap here to find out how we can help.
2) Are you looking for step-by-step guidance on how you can engage safely with fathers or male carers you know or suspect are perpetrators of domestic abuse?
We can provide you and your team with best practice guidance and practical tools on:
a) how to raise safely the issue of domestic abuse with these service users in the first instance;
b) how to encourage disclosure to get a fuller picture of the nature, patterns and impacts of the abusive or harmful behaviour they are engaging in;
c) how to identify and respond safely to the risk factors they present to the non-abusing parent and any children in Safeguarding Children cases; or to their intimate partner who is their carer or has herself care and support needs, in Safeguarding Adults cases.
Click/ tap here to find out how we can help.
3) Are you looking to refer fathers or male carers who are causing harm, in Safeguarding Children or Adults cases you are managing, to a specialist domestic abuse prevention service for a 1-to-1 intervention?
Working in close collaboration with you and other professionals, we can offer 1-to-1 sessions to fathers or male carers/ men with care & support needs who are perpetrators to prevent further incidents of domestic abuse and harm, to survivors and any children or other dependants affected by the abuse.
Where it is not safe for service users who cause harm to remain in the property with the survivor/ children/ dependants, we can support them to leave safely and to stay away, take responsibility, make reparations and commit to an action plan for positive change.
Click/ tap here to find out how we can help.